- Allows only ultra low-Nox emissions water heaters (as defined in rule by the Air Quality Board) to be sold in Utah for commercial and residential installations and replacements starting July 1, 2018.
- Rep. Ed Redd, R - N. Logan
- Sen. Scott Jenkins, R - Plain City
- Modeling shows it will reduce monitor values 1 ug/m3 when fully implemented at a cost of $2,500/ton emission reductions. Rule passed the AQB unanimously after public comment. Home Builders did not comment, but appealed to Sen Howard Stephenson [R- Draper] & Rep Curtis Oda's [R - Clearfield] Adm Rules Review Committee, placed the rule on the sunset list, which means this easy, cost-effective AQ strategy to receive legislative approval this session to be effective.
- 3/10 Passed Senate 23-3-3, nays Henderson Jackson Madsen, after amendment brought by Homebuilders association to remove regulatory authority from DEQ to Building Code Commission.
- 3/7 Passed unanimously 6-0-1 Senate Natural Resources, Agriculture & Environment Committee
- 3/1 Passed House vote 39-25-11. Cox, Edwards, Ward, Arent spoke in support.
- Voted favorably out of House Natural Resources & Agriculture Committee 2/24 9-3-2 Nays Noel, Brown, This bill catches the 80% of waterheaters sold that are replacements. Rep Ed Redd testified that the reductions from this bill in SLCo would be 4% of the total NOx emissions, equal to removing all the NOx produced in the 5 refineries.
- To gov for signature, fn = $2,000